Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Been out of commission for a few days. My friend C was visiting from out of the country and I needed to make happiness visits happen.  But I'll get to that momentarily.  First, lemme make good on what I said I'd do two posts ago.

In order to make my goals a success, I will need to procure the following:

  1. Buy fitness program for $25 here.  Don't really wanna spend that money but I respond well to specific plans as a way to jump start my mindset.  Alternatively, I considered buying French Women Don't Get Fat, which seems to speak more to a change in mindset, as well as an initial diet to get you started.  Both of these imply mindset changes and lifestyle changes, as opposed to just a quick way to lose weight, which I like the sound of.  IMO, if I can keep it off for a few years at least, it works.
  2. In keeping with this healthy eating plan, I need to start cooking own meals again.  I eat out far too much (not worth it, but tastes like it is), and the meals provided by one of my jobs are sometimes outstanding and always terrible for you (deep fried broccoli, anyone?)
  3. I just heard a little rumour about one of our event teams members putting in her 2 weeks either recently or soon.  So thinking I will hold out for a few weeks and fish for details, in hopes of taking her spot.  In the meantime, I'll create a careerbuilder (or something) and browse craigslist for casual event help gigs.  
  4. Regarding boys, maybe I should think about restarting my OkC?  It felt like so much pressure last time and I dunno if I feel like dealing with that crap again.  Maybe I'll just stick with Tinder and start messaging more boys first.  Or completely delete my OkC and start it from scratch in the most minimalistic way that still gets my personality across.  We'll see.

I think that's all I really need.  A little dedication and hard work thrown in with the above and I should be fine, I think/hope.  I mean, finer.  Or whatever.

In other news, I've developed a new crush.  It's basically a rehash of a former crush from high school, but not instead of just being lust based, I actually have gotten to know him a little and find him entertaining.  I mean, I'm still overcome by the lust part, but now it feels somewhat attainable, maybe?  Dunno.  Mostly it's just been flirting a lot, but if he actually comes up for a few days this summer, there could be some fun to be had.  Really must get a head start on that diet lifestyle change, asap...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Oy vey.

Am pathetic as normal.  Still have not created post with all the things I'll need for future success, drank and ate stupidly late last night (post work ugh), and just turned into grinning mess over tiny conversation with Bossman.

Him: Hey, how are you?
Me: Good howarehjgnkljbngjl.
Him: You ok?
*at the same time as*
Me: Sorry, trying to say how are you but apparently I can't speak English, haha. But I'm fine, why?
Him: You sound kinda raspy.
Me: I always sound raspy!
Him: That's true.  It's charming though, like Kathleen Turner.
Me*silently swooning*
Me: I'll take that as a compliment
Him: You should.


Be back later for a post with actual substance, probably.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The start of things

Hello there, internets.  Herein lies the blog in which I accept the fact that I'm basically a pseudo-incarnation of a famous character in a hit UK novel.  Or in simpler terms, wherein I relate far too much to Bridget Jones and try to win where she loses.  Or something like that.

A little background.  I'm 30 (let's hold off on the "something" until next year, thanks), single, a bit unhealthy, and living in the thriving metropolis of New York City.    Some of those are obvious similarities between her and I.  Other similarities are as follows:

  1. Dissatisfied with my health/weight/belly/thighs/back of arms
  2. Not in love with my job(s) situation (career=non-existent, at the mo)
  3. Drink too much booze (poor liver)
  4. Smoke too many cigarettes (anything over 0 a day is too many for someone NOT addicted, wtaf)
  5. Have completely inappropriate crush on one of my bosses (SO not gonna happen)
  6. Am guilty of overusing parenthesis

Over the course of the next few days/weeks/months I will attempt to keep this blog as a sort of tracking device about my progress in becoming the version of Bridget myself I'd like to be.  Things I'd like to accomplish are as follows:

  1. Get healthy/fit/tighter tummy/less thigh rub/less bat wings
  2. Succeed in securing a job in the world of event/wedding planning
  3. Cut back on booze so my liver doesn't give up by age 35
  4. Stop smoking cigarettes entirely
  5. Find a more feasible object of my affections [(or successfully seduce Bossman) stop it, self]
  6. There's only 5 really, I love parenthesis too much to give them up but wanted symmetry in this post

In true procrastinator style, I'll leave the start of this for next time.  Or rather, the time after next.  The next installment will be me figuring out the things I need to acquire for success.

Signing off,